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Growing Demand for Cyber Security Workers

The amount of information stored by governments, businesses, healthcare providers and retail stores grows by the minute. All of this information, whether personal or financial, is vulnerable to attack by those who would seek to use it for their own gain. As these vast stores of information in the cloud or in system databases grow, so does the demand for cyber security workers who can monitor and prevent these threats. The opportunity for a career in cyber security management is ripe, and an online MBA program with a concentration in cyber security can be the first step toward moving forward on this career path.

The Need for Cyber Security MBA Graduates

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for cyber security analysts will increase by 18 percent from 2014 to 2024, greatly outpacing the average growth in other occupations. Along with their need for cyber security analysts, consultants, specialists and auditors, organizations will also have growing need for cyber security management and officers who can organize and lead these expanding teams of security workers.

Pursuing an MBA in Cyber Security allows IT professionals to gain valuable skills in management that will be a tremendous asset to their own careers and to the organizations that hire them. Along with specialized courses in risk analysis and cyber security management for retail, MBA students will study strategic leadership, accounting for management, and decision-making in operations management — in addition to other advanced business management classes.

Private Sector Cyber Security Jobs

Individuals with advanced degrees in cyber security enjoy several career options. One option is the security manager for a business or institution. Security managers must have a detailed understanding of the intricacies of IT and cyber security, but they must also be able to manage people, resources, projects and initiatives as they carry out an organization’s security policies and strive toward their security goals. Security managers in the private sector typically earn a six-figure salary.

Larger organizations need security directors in addition to managers. The security director is a senior-level officer responsible for overall supervision and staffing for the security department. In addition to managing the company’s security resources, the security director must also develop and implement security strategies as they relate to all departments. Even larger corporations need a chief information security officer, or CISO, at the executive level to oversee all security operations.

Another career option is to work with a cyber security contracting firm as a security consultant. Depending on the contract involved, security consultants work with various organizations for a specified period of time to help monitor and manage security protocols. A security consultant might assist with a particular project, or they might work with an entire department or organization to deal with cyber threats. Consulting work is a great option for individuals who like the excitement of new scenarios on a regular basis.

Government Security Jobs

Many government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (and all military branches) need large teams of cyber security workers and cyber security management to protect government assets and to investigate cyber crimes. Cyber security jobs in the government are sometimes lower-paying positions, and they can involve more bureaucratic planning and organization. On the plus side of government cyber security jobs, however, is the potential for long-term employment, good benefits and the opportunity to serve the country by protecting vulnerable information.

A career in cyber security management has a terrific job outlook over the next decade. Professionals in IT or related fields can look to earn a cyber security degree through an online MBA program as an excellent way to expand their career options.

Learn more about the University of Texas at Tyler’s MBA with a Concentration in Cyber Security Online.


U.S. BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook: Information Security Analysts

PayScale: Information Security Manager

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This discounted tuition rate is for newly enrolled students and is valid for the January 2024 term through the October 2024 term. Student must apply by the term’s application deadline and enroll by the term’s registration deadline start to qualify. The discounted tuition rate will consist of $739.21 per credit hour or $2,217.62 per 3 credit hour course. The discounted tuition rate cannot be combined with any other scholarship or partner rate. Students who have previously stepped-out of a University of Texas at Tyler program once started will not qualify for this offer. This offer will not be retroactively available to students. The discounted tuition rate will expire in October 2024. The discounted tuition rate includes all fees and is subject to change without notice. The University reserves the right to increase tuition and fees at any time.

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