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Dr. Roger Lirely Professor of Accounting

Faculty Roger Lirely

"I was inspired by two of my college professors, who were both excellent in the classroom but also took a personal interest in my success. I wanted to offer that same experience to students."

Dr. Roger Lirely is a Professor of Accounting at UT Tyler. His research interests are primarily in taxation and accounting.

Degrees Held:

  • DBA in Accountancy – Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
  • MS in Accountancy – DePaul University
  • BA in Chemistry – Illinois Wesleyan University

Career Highlights:

  • Chair of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Business Law at UT Tyler since 2010
  • Promoted to Professor in 2007
  • Kneedler Professor of Excellence, Western Carolina University
  • Barry and Pat Smith Fellow of Accountancy, Western Carolina University

In which online degree program do you teach?

  • Why did you start teaching?

    I was inspired by two of my college professors, who were both excellent in the classroom but also took a personal interest in my success. I wanted to offer that same experience to students.

  • What's the best advice that you ever received?

    From my ex-mother-in-law: Get the job first, then worry about whether you can do it. Translation: Don't let fear hold you back.

  • What's the best advice that you could give your students?

    Get engaged with the decision-makers in your chosen field early on. Put yourself out there, whether it's networking, internship, involvement with student organizations or community service. Have an impact and be noticed.

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