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Online MBA Admissions: The GMAT

The University of Texas at Tyler (UT Tyler) offers four online MBA degree programs:

  • Master of Business Administration Online.
  • Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management Online.
  • Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing Online.
  • Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Cyber Security Online.

Applicants for all of these programs with a qualifying undergraduate GPA may not need to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). A complete understanding of the admission requirements begins with these qualifications and conditions:


  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution
  • Qualifying GPA, as determined by the Admissions Committee


  • Satisfactory GMAT score
  • Cumulative Index Score
    • Quantitative measures are integrated into an index that multiplies the applicant’s 60-hour GPA times 200 and adds the total GMAT score (60-hour GPA X 200) + GMAT => 1000.
    • An index score of greater than 1000 is typical of a successful candidate.

Cumulative Review

  • After reviewing all credentials (official transcripts, GMAT score and other relevant information), the Graduate Programs Coordinator and the College of Business and Technology Graduate Admissions Committee will determine acceptance.
  • The Graduate Program Advisor will prepare a degree plan with the student.
  • Students will be notified of official acceptance into the program.
  • Full admission must occur prior to enrollment beyond nine semester credit hours.

The UT Tyler GMAT Waiver

UT Tyler offers a GMAT waiver to applicants who meet the following conditions:

  • If the student’s 60-hour undergraduate GPA is above 3.25, the GMAT may be waived.
  • If the student’s 60-hour undergraduate GPA is below 3.25, applicants with three or more years of extensive healthcare work or executive managerial experience earned in the U.S. or with a U.S. government entity may request to have the GMAT requirement waived by the Graduate Coordinator. A formal resume must be submitted.
  • In rare instances, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) may be accepted in lieu of the GMAT.

Our Perspective on Admissions Qualifications for MBA Students

The Admissions Committee at the University of Texas at Tyler has tremendous respect for what the GMAT reveals about applicants. The exam has been used since 1953, when representatives from nine business schools, including Harvard and Columbia, met to establish a standardized way of assessing business school applicants. Since then the people, events and innovations involved with GMAC and the GMAT have helped institutions and their students to succeed.

Today, students across the United States and in 110 countries around the world take the GMAT. To assess applicants and enable admissions personnel at their respective institutions to make objective comparisons, 250,000 GMAT exams are given each year.

Your score on the GMAT is a statistically reliable indicator of your academic and career capabilities. Though it is dependable, there are exceptions. Some students perform better on the exam than in their MBA courses. Other students underperform on the exam and outperform the expectations set by their GMAT scores in an MBA program and in their careers.

That is why your GPA is the most important criterion for admission into a UT Tyler online MBA program. It is a demonstrable record of your prior achievements, which we believe makes it the most reliable predictor of your future performance in our program and in your career. Because your GPA is an aggregate average compiled over time, it is statistically relevant to how you will perform over a longer duration, rather than in a compressed time frame.

The standards of the University of Texas at Tyler reflect our desire to admit those we believe are most likely to succeed — in our programs and in their careers.

Learn more about UT Tyler’s online MBA programs.


The Economist: The History of the GMAT

GMAC: GMAC History

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